Monday, January 24, 2011

One fine day...

Not all that long ago, unless you are now seven, a beautiful baby boy was granted to Michael Robert and Mary Beth Shook. I can remember a lot of the details like they were yesterday. We were so green! I remember Cameron fussing as they wheeled me in a wheelchair from labor and delivery to my room at the hospital. As he was fussing we were discussing the ways to calm him. I remember us deciding that making shhhh-shhhh-shhhh sounds would be what we should try. What??!! I also clearly remember being discharged and Mr. Shook going to the parking garage to get the car. I sat in a chair in my lovely room a puddle of tears. I pulled myself together only to start the waterworks again as I gingerly got in to the back seat of the car. (Now be honest, how many of you rode in the backseat with your newborns? We all did. Not for very long at this house, though.) I was completely overwhelmed and couldn't believe that the nurse didn't hop right in with us and come home to personally take care of the new baby. We had NO idea what we were doing. Two college educated people had no business taking this on! But, low and behold it worked out just fine and I think we did and are still doing a pretty good job.

Look at this cutie...

To this cutie...

to this bigger cutie...

to the 7 year old that we all know and love...

It sure was one fine day when you arrived, Cameron. Happy birthday to you!! We love you very, very much!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

A new blog to check out...

Hey Morton friends and those who are just lovers of reading blogs...
I have a new blog for you to check out...

It's a new friends journey through the process of adoption from Ethiopia. Her writing is awesome and I think their story will be an awesome one to follow. So, check out Erin and her blog. I think you'll be glad you did!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Food war...

Eek. What happened to me? Not that I think many of you were concerned, but I am still here. I just was uninspired/too busy/running around with like a chicken with my head cut off to blog. All kinds of ideas have swirled around in this "pretty little head of mine" (direct Mr. Shook quote) but I haven't taken the time to listen to them.

Yes. We had the holidays.
No. They didn't go as planned. What does, really?

But tonight we had a food war. I will preface the story by saying this RARELY happens here. So when it does maybe I'm thrown for more of a loop than I expect.

Today I made crock pot macaroni and cheese. I will also step in and say that it was not one of my 5 star meals. I'll even say it wasn't 4 stars. 3 stars might still be a stretch. But, it was a meal. I will also say that I knew in it's anticipation that it might not be good. I will consider myself pre-warned. But, I still had to try it. It was a meal that tasted better than it looked. Have you ever had one of those? Unless your Martha Stewart, I really hope you can go along with me here. Can you relate??

Needless to say I was anticipating a few turned up noses here. I thought maybe we should have a plan B but Mr. Shook said No. Everyone will try it.

Ok I said...and waited for the groans. I might even say that there has been a time or two where our youngest will say something looks yucky. Yucky??!! What could one possibly mean?? Ha ha.

We have been instilling the courtesy bite idea for a while. It usually works and then they realize, hey that isn't so bad (i.e. meatloaf). But, our dearest, oldest child wasn't falling for the courtesy bite tonight. No can do. Without giving the nitty gritty details, because after all, you've all been there, right?, we held our ground and made him try it. I think he was even more upset after his 2 sisters stabbed him in the back and said that it was good. After all aren't siblings suppose to stick together??!! The food war has begun and it wasn't pretty. There may or may not have been a tear or two, there may or may not have been a threat or two, there may or may not have been a bite the side of my cheek so I don't burst out laughing at how ridiculous you are acting Mr. almost 7 year old moment. Ugh. Maybe not our best parenting moment but then again was is our best parenting moment I ask you.

Unless your name is Carter Jones and you eat EVERYTHING!! I hope you can related in just a tiny way to our food war. These are the moments that will give us really good family memories, right?

And because I'm completely JEALOUS of the Jones' and their stellar eating boy is the only reason I can use him as an example. xoxo