Monday, March 2, 2009

I am nervous...

This is a first for me. It's like telling someone your expecting. Exciting, kind of akward, a little self-centered. You want everyone to be "into" it but what if they think this is silly. I have really wanted to have my own blog for a while. Over the last few weeks I wished I had taken the time to do so. It would have helped me through a trying time. A place to put my thoughts, a place to express my fears and frustrations, a place to feel connected to the real world. I'm not a scrapbooker, I'm not crafty. I'm hoping this is a place where I can create memories for my family. I'm hoping this is a place where I can share our lives. Pictures aren't something that I have ever been very attached to. I can't share them with my Mom so I've never seen the true importance of them. I'm hoping through my words I can help paint a picture for her, and you, of our life. It will be one heck of a journey!


  1. Well, let an ole childhood friend be the first to post a comment. Welcome to the bloggers world! I have no clue what I'm saying half the time, but I have my family in mind. I like to keep it short, with one picture, and I don't want it to ever be a chore. I also began writing it when I couldn't sleep in the middle of the night - kind of like now! I like to think my kids will look back on my entries and know who I was and who we were - but of course not in the past tense for a long, long time!

  2. Eventually I will be as brave and have my 'own' I blog on behalf of my son. You may have planted a seed of inspiration...we will see.

  3. Way to go! I know it will be hard sometimes to put your thoughts out there for everyone to read, but keep at it. At the end of the day, it's for you and your family, with the added benefit that the rest of us get to know you better.

  4. Good for you! I know you have been inspired by other blogs, and now you get to be the inspirational one. I look forward to reading your updates.

  5. Thanks for all the words of support! i am going to have fun with my blog. Mike already says I'm spending to much time on it! :)
