Sunday, July 12, 2009

Oh my!...

Yesterday started out pretty dreary here so we decided to head to the movies. Cameron REALLY wanted to see Night at the Museum: Battle at the Smithsonian. After the initial shock at the cost of the movies: 2 adults, 2 kids = $24 (at a matinee!) and then of course some snacks (which no one could agree on just one) = $16 we settled in to watch. The movie was good but not as good as the first one to me. I love the first movies story and this one was a little harder to get in to. But, I loved that we were successful at getting 3 kids to sit for almost the entire movie with little problems. I say little problems, though. We sat Mike on the aisle and then Cameron, Molly, Amanda and then myself. Mike and I sandwiched the kids between 5 seats. Amanda walked around a little between us but the theatre wasn't very busy so she wasn't disruptive. We were really getting into the story line and I guess engrossed in the movie when I happened to look over to see how everyone was doing. There was a sheen on Amanda that I couldn't figure out what it was. The theatre was pretty dark. I leaned closer to look (she was standing in the middle between Mike and I, but closer to Mike) when I realized she was standing there completely naked. Buck. In her birthday suit. No pants, no shirt, no diaper. All off. I loudly whispered, "MIKE!!" He was just as clueless as I was. I whispered, "where are her clothes!!??" The look on his face was priceless. I quickly whipped a diaper out of my bag and threw it to him. He diapered her standing up while I reached for her clothes. He got her shirt on and I put on her pants. We found her shoes ('cause you know how clean a movie theatre floor would be!) and put them back on, too. In the midst of this Molly announces in her regular voice "Mom, Amanda took her clothes off." No, really?? We have had a few good laughs about this but I really wonder if this is a brief look at what the future lies ahead for us. An exhibitionist? A artist? An actress? Please pray for us now! :)


  1. Love's amazing as we get older our inhibitions are curved. Apparently she was just getting comfy! :) Carrie

  2. Oh Beth, I'd give anything to have seen your faces that is so funny I just laughed & laughed, sorry but it is cute innocence priceless!!

  3. It still makes me giggle. If itclan we makes you feel better, when I was Amanda's age, back in the days before car seats I used to completely disrobe in the back seat of the car. It drove my mom nuts, but really I was just hot. I grew up to be almost ok! =)

    ps ask me about cheap movies...last time we took the whole clan we made it movie & snaks for all for less than $25. I have secrets...

  4. ROTFL...this was so funny I read it outloud to Jerry! You should definitely document this one for the future!!
    PS Jerry took Mia to the show to see UP Saturday night and it was 11.50 for a med. popcorn and med. drink....

  5. Isn't it ridiculous the cost of the movies! I need to know your secrets, Marci. We went to the matinee in Pekin. Decent theatre but not really any cheaper than any where else...

  6. I love it. Makes me feel more normal- both that the cost of movies is ridiculous to others, too and that I am not the only one that gets engrossed in something (like grocery shopping) and doesn't realize my child just did something terribly embarrassing right in front of me. I am sure that she will grow up to be a normal, well-adjusted woman, but her mother may gain a few more gray hairs along the way! (Just wait until the teenage years...)
