Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Molly #4...

I can't believe as I type this that my Molly is 4 years old today. Mike and I both were saying last night that it feels like just yesterday that we drove to the hospital for her to be born. It isn't a very exciting birth story. When you have a scheduled c-section the drama is limited. We didn't know the sex of the baby so that added a piece of anticipation to the birth. I was suppose to be at the hospital by 9 but I kept getting calls all morning pushing back my arrival time. They finally told me to get there at 2. Of course, we were a few minutes late!! They didn't waste any time and our beautiful girl arrived at 3:27. It was wonderful and overwhelming all in the same breath. Molly has been a blessing ever since. She has shown an amazing amount of fire for such a little person. She has opinions on what will happen, she can be very stubborn, she is a little sponge and learning something every day but she is also very loving and a wonderful cuddler. These last few months have allowed me some special time to spend alone with Molly. The alone time hasn't been guilt free. I feel bad that I haven't had the same time for Cameron and Amanda. The time I have had with her has been the longest alone time that I've had with any of my children since Molly was born. It has also been the scariest time I have had as a Mother and her pure will to be tough has held me together on some really hard days. I could be a puddle of tears on the inside but she always kept me strong for her by never being scared and being an awesome patient. She is a great girl!
Happy Birthday to my Molly! I love you, J! Always.


  1. I don't know what happened but I wrote this last night and wanted to post it this morning. That worked but it shows that it has a date of the 19th. Bummer - her birthday is today the 20th!!

  2. Happy Birthday, Molly!
    (I assume that you changed the post options to post it this morning? And it still put up yesterday's date? Weird.)
    So did putting a huge pink bow around her head elminate people calling her a boy? We have a lot of issues, even though Selah has pierced ears and almost always wears pink or purple! People are always telling me I have 3 beautiful boys. Drives us nuts!

  3. What a nice birthday treat for Molly to enjoy in years to come. You will have to pop over to Sarah's Blog to check out her big news.

    Sorry I didn't get to talk to you the other night. I am going to have to do some catching up on phone calls and rest when our houseguests head back to Illinois.

    Kiss the birthday girl for me. Can't wait to hear what her nutritionist says about gaining weight, then I will know what to do the opposite of. I think I already know, shucks.

  4. I mentioned Boost to our pediatrician today and he had samples for us to try that also include a $1 coupon inside. They were the chocolate flavor and Molly would probably prefer vanilla. Our dr. said that he thinks they taste way better than pediasure. In September when we first started at this practice Molly was in the 50th percentile for her weight and today she is in the 4th percentile. Got to do something about this. Luckily she is growing taller.

    As far as the pink bow she did and still does hate anything in her hair or touching her head. The bow was a gift when she was born and I loved it but she hated it for the most part. Both of my girls were very late on getting hair so that doesn't help in people not knowing if they were boys or girls. My rule of thumb is to not guess!

  5. Happy Birthday Molly! What cute pictures! She looks a bit more like Amanda than I realized! Seems like this time is a popular time for birthdays!!

  6. Strong willed, stubborn, courageous, intelligent, she sounds alot like her awesome momma! Happy Birthday Molly!

  7. Happy Belated Birthday Molly! Hope you had a wonderful day!
    Maggie and Max's mom!

  8. 2009 has been a little rough for Molly girl...here's hoping she will gain lots of weight soon and your newest procedure will do its job!

  9. Those first few pictures of Molly, when she was a baby, boy does Amanda look like her. You better make sure and label those picures so you don't get confused. Crazy!

    Also wanted to let you know that I'm adding you to my blog list...hope that is okay. Let me know if you don't want to be on my list!

  10. Thanks for all the birthday wishes! Molly has a great one!
