We started swimming lessons this past week for Cameron and Molly. They both have done lessons with parent (Mike!) before in Michigan but we hadn't done any yet here in Morton. Last year when Molly had surgery in June we were not allowed to get in a pool until mid-August or in other words, after all the summer fun had passed. We are taking advantage of the new pool that opened up over Memorial Day here in town. It is very nice and will provide lots of fun!
While Cam and Molly are taking their lesson I am able to take Amanda in the kiddie part of the pool which has a fun water area. Here are some pictures from our last visit...
One of the fun things about the swimming lessons is the chance to jump off the diving board at the end. My girl needed a little coaxing but she did it! I got a few pictures from that...
We hope to enjoy more times at the cool pool!
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
1 month ago
We can't wait to get to the new pool. Glad to hear positive things about it. :)